Thursday, February 13, 2025
Alsabeel Noor Al-Islam


2- Another important aspect is that the texts of the Quran and Prophetic Sunnah don’t stop at just emphasizing the importance and status of human dignity, but they rather push us to work toward building positive relationships and creating a positive atmosphere to foster coexistence between all humans regardless of their creeds, colors, or races.

To my teachers and mentors who raised me and taught me from their vast rivers of knowledge and to my ever patient and sacrificing wife who has been by my side throughout life's journey, I present this work as a preface of several works to come that deal with the special reality Muslims face in America. I hope that those who read this work will not forget me in their du'a (prayers) and not forget to offer any advice they see needed.

To my teachers and mentors who raised me and taught me from their vast rivers of knowledge and to my ever patient and sacrificing wife who has been by my side throughout life's journey, I present this work as a preface of several works to come that deal with the special reality Muslims face in America. I hope that those who read this work will not forget me in their du'a (prayers) and not forget to offer any advice they see needed.

2- Another important aspect is that the texts of the Quran and Prophetic Sunnah don’t stop at just emphasizing the importance and status of human dignity, but they rather push us to work toward building positive relationships and creating a positive atmosphere to foster coexistence between all humans regardless of their creeds, colors, or races.